Your National Origin Should Not Matter At Work

Are you suffering ridicule at your job in New Jersey because of your foreign accent or a religious practice related to your national origin? Discrimination based on national origin is against the law. You have rights. At Lawrence N. Lavigne, Esq., L.L.C., in Union County, New Jersey, we will put the law on your side.

For more than 30 years, Lawrence N. Lavigne has used his legal knowledge and dedication to secure justice in workplace discrimination cases that affect people’s lives and careers. He can help you, too, by thoroughly researching and preparing your case, negotiating with your employer, or litigating against it in a court of law if necessary.

This country should be a land of opportunity for you. When it isn’t, and you suffer mistreatment at your office or factory, you have a right to pursue legal action — and Lawrence N. Lavigne will fight right alongside you. Contact our Union law office today to arrange your free, confidential initial consultation. Se habla español.

How Does National Origin Discrimination Manifest?

You should speak with Mr. Lavigne immediately if your national origin has become an issue at your place of employment in these or other ways:

  • Failure to hire because of race or national origin
  • Failure to promote or offer training opportunities because of national origin
  • Unnecessary pre-employment questions about national origin that determine hiring
  • Requirements unrelated to the position you are seeking that exclude members of a particular national origin
  • Negative, derogatory comments about national origin that create a hostile work environment
  • Work assignments that seem to be based on national origin or ethnicity
  • English-only language rules in the workplace

If the harassment you are feeling has come from a co-worker and your employer knew about it and failed to stop it, then that employer may be responsible for damages. Perhaps national origin discrimination was the result of a company-wide practice or standard procedure, leading to a hostile work environment. Lawrence N. Lavigne will work hard to ensure that the people you work for or the company’s senior management is held accountable for discrimination of any kind.

Get Help Today

If you are being discriminated against because of your national origin, you have legal rights. Contact our firm today at 908-349-1066 to speak with lawyer Lawrence N. Lavigne. Consultations are free. Se habla español.