The lasting impact of workplace discrimination

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2024 | Workplace Discrimination |

There are always some risks when it comes to working. However, one risk that employees should not have to face is discrimination. Discriminatory behavior can endanger the lives of minorities, such as those in the LBGTQ+ community, pregnant women and those with different religious or cultural backgrounds. 

When discrimination happens in the workplace, it often does not end after a report is made. Discriminatory behaviors may have lasting effects on employees. Here is how:

Physical and mental trauma

Those who face discrimination in the workplace can suffer from physical and mental trauma. The stress of a situation may cause an employee to suffer PTSD, anxiety and headaches, which can also lead to high blood pressure, muscle tension and panic attacks. Over time, this can severely impact an employee’s performance, motivation and productivity. 

Workplace trust and engagement

When an employee is discriminatorily targeted, they may be less trusting and engaged with others at work. A victim of discrimination may not know if other co-workers have similar views as the harasser. An employee may even be less engaged with group projects that involve input from a harasser. These kinds of interactions could also cause an employee to be dissatisfied with their work. 

Financial risks

Physical and mental trauma and lowered trust and engagement with co-workers can cause an employee to struggle at their place of work. This may cause an employee to miss days of work or pass on opportunities. This can severely harm an employee’s finances. 

Employees can fight discrimination at work to make their environment safer for them and others. Getting legal help can benefit victims of workplace discrimination. 


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